How to Use the Cinnamon Ritual to Bring Abundance Into Your Life
For many people, cinnamon ritual is a popular spice used in baking and in their gardens (it’s great for repelling gnats) but the unassuming herb has deeper mystical properties that can bring more abundance into one’s life. This article will show you the many ways to use this herb for protection, to bless a home or business, and to invite in prosperity.
Cinnamon Magic: Transformative Rituals for Inner Peace and Well-Being
To begin this ritual, place about a tablespoon of ground cinnamon into your non-dominant hand and then head outside to your front door. Stand with your back to the house and blow three times over your doorway, sprinkling the cinnamon dust into the threshold. Repeat this for the side and rear doors of your home, as well as any entryway into which you’d like to draw abundance. Rose recommends saying the word “abundance” aloud while doing this, to amplify your intentions. However, if you prefer to say it in your mind, that is just as valid.
After the ritual, leave the cinnamon where it landed for at least 24 hours to allow its energy to settle into your space. During that time, work to manifest your intention – whether it be more money, love, harmony, a new car or home, or something else.
This ritual is a good one to do on the first of every month, as it aligns with the new moon, which marks new beginnings and growth. But it can also be done on any day, as long as you are focusing on attracting prosperity.