Slip-Resistant Resin Flooring
Slip-resistant resin flooring is an effective solution for many indoor (and in some cases some outdoor) industrial and commercial floor areas where there is a risk of pedestrians and/or vehicles potentially skidding or sliding on the surface. This type of floor can be provided by incorporating a defined level of slip and skid resistance within the chosen resin floor build-up, which can usually be achieved by broadcast or incorporated specially graded sands or synthetic aggregates.
Safety First: Exploring the Benefits of Slip-Resistant Resin Flooring Solutions
The level of slip and skid resistance required for a specific floor is usually stated in a standardized R-rating, which also often includes spillage displacement volume (V value). The choice of sand or aggregate used within the resin will have a direct impact on this rating, with some types better suited to high traffic, heavy vehicle or general industrial use than others.
Accidents involving slips, trips and falls are one of the most common workplace injuries, and can be very costly for businesses. Installing an anti-slip resin floor can help prevent such incidents and contribute towards meeting legal health and safety requirements around duty of care.