How to Prepare Your Child for Daycare
The first day of childcare is a big day for your child and you as a parent. It’s important to prepare your child for this transition so that they will feel comfortable in their new environment. Whether your child is an infant, toddler or preschooler, they need to know that daycare will be fun and safe and that you are coming back to get them.Making the Transition –
How to Prepare Your Child for Daycare
If your child has questions or concerns, try to answer them patiently and lovingly. Even if you think their fears are silly, they need to know that you are there for them and love them. Reassure them that they will be able to meet their needs (food, water, nap) and that you will come back to get them when it’s time. Find out
Try to drop your child off at the same time every day. Especially for toddlers and preschoolers, this will help set their body clock to a new schedule. Set your alarm a little earlier the first week of school to ensure you can wake up your child in enough time to be ready and out the door by the normal drop-off time.
If possible, take your child to the daycare/preschool center a few times before they start full-time care. Introduce them to their teachers, play with the toys and let your child experience what it will be like for them when they start their new life at daycare/preschool.